Saturday, May 10, 2008

What I'm Raving About...

My father introduced me to an AmericanPublicRadio broadcast "Speaking of Faith" that you can podcast at And I can't stop referencing it. The host, Krista Tippett interviews people from different faith perspectives and presents a beautifully non-abrasive broadcast that seems particularly necessary for matters of the spirit.

A few archived recommendations:
"Planting the future with Wangari Maathai" examines the journey of one Kenyan female diplomat and her fight to empower the lower class through holistic, ecological means.

"Children and God" a provocative investigation of the spiritual messages that children communicate when they are uninhibited by conventionality. Interview includes Robert Coles a child psychologist that I think is brilliant.


"Jean Vanier: The Wisdom of Tenderness" interviews the Catholic founder of the L'Arche communities for individuals with disabilities with the intent to share life and learn from one another. (I was really touched by this one, particularly because of my work this year.)

*Don't stop there...I've cried through most of the broadcasts because they have such a moving portrayal of human need for the supernatural.


Meg Schudel said...

Tiffany, I have a data-entry assignment at work during which my boss recommends I listen to a book on tape or something in order to not go nuts. I promise to listen to one of these.
Thanks for this post.

Elizabeth Taylor said...

schtiff, I did not know that you had a blog. . . i followed a trail of friend's blogs to get here. I miss you. - cone