Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Meg are you still checking this? I totally laughed, Meg, when I read the comments you left on the last post. It's true I AM THE WORST BLOGGER EVER!!!

Which is unfortunate, because my mind never stops.

Update on my status. I'm praying about full-time ministry again. I dropped out of graduate school, realizing I did not want to be a counselor.

This week has been filled with not one, not two, not three, but counting almost four fortuitous conversations with women that I consider to be like dynamite. I mean we're talking heavy-weight, speak up even if people don't like it, kind of women. LOVE IT! They've been encouraging me to not be contained by the "stain-glass ceiling" of female calling. I've been so encouraged to listen solomente to God's voice.

This semester I have been leading a Women's Bible Study. I never cease to be amazed at the thirst of women to know more about the Word. It's exciting and gives me renewed purpose.

There it is, Mary Margaret.


Heather Lea said...

And I'm still checking. :)

Meg Schudel said...

Yay Heather!

We are officially your true friends. I want a plaque. plack. Neither of those look right.

I refuse to look it up, it's what I do all day every day.

Love you love you love you, miss you lots Tiffany. If Christ is my corner stone, you're some of the mortar that holds me there.

Whoa, that was a lot more poetic than I was shooting for! Whatever it was, it's true.

Thanks for making Christianity always look relevant, vital, and somehow totally hip.