Saturday, April 12, 2008


Notes from Thursday (I'm in class from 8am-10:15pm)

Old Testament Class-
"It's interesting how ageism has infiltrated even the church. See Genesis 12:4. Abraham was 75 when he received the call from God. Can you imagine if our lives only began at the age of 75? An additional benefit would be the wisdom gained through experience. Dear Baby Boomers, Your time of impact can still be before you.

Genesis 22 refers to Jehovah Jirah as Abraham's provider for the symbolic seed. However this name "Provider" carries so much meaning for me (as a farmer's daughter) in reference to actual seed as well. Rain. God's provision. Makes a seed into a plant that produces fruit and multiplies. How beautiful is that?

When I stand and "praise" God but my mind is elsewhere--maybe the act of communal worship is what carries me into the presence of the holy...despite my human depravity, through the divinity of the body."

New Testament Class-
"Who knew that the letters of Paul were placed in the Bible according to length, longest to shortest. In fact, 1 and 2 Thessalonians were the first books chronologically. Seriously?!"

Church History-
"Thomas More (author of Utopia) was more significantly a counter-reformationist who felt extremely passionate about the church and respect for traditional structures. (Ensuing conversation about whether tradition is good or not). This is what I wonder, if tradition more closely paralleled the heart of God to see community in respectful relationship rather than oppression, would current movements against tradition exist?"

*It has snowed three times since the beginning of April. No joke.


Meg Schudel said...

Okay first, sorry to hear about the snow.
Second, what the cheeseburger are you talking about, Peter's letters??? WHO KNEW?! Love that you enlightened me in this way...crazy Bible organizers.
Third, Utopia is boring. I know. I read it. You know what that means? That means I have to reread it b/c it was probably only boring b/c I didn't understand it very well.
That's all, thanks for the synopsis of what you're learning in class, you should charge us all a little for it since we're benefitting from your expensive book learnins.

renae beth said...

umm...schtiff! you have a blog! so great! another way i can become a voyeur in my friends' lives! :)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts...see you in the great state of nebraska soon!!!